
MongoDB repositories


There are already a lot of tools to access MongoDB collections using Java. Each driver or wrapper has it’s own distinct features and advantages. The focus of Immutables repository generation is to provide the best possible API that matches well for storing documents expressed as immutable objects.

One of the side goals of this module was to demonstrate that Java DSLs and APIs could be actually a lot less ugly than they usually are.

Generated repositories wrap the infrastructure of the official Java driver and BSON serialization.

// Define repository for collection "items".
public abstract class Item {
  public abstract long id();
  public abstract String name();
  public abstract Set<Integer> values();
  public abstract Optional<String> comment();

// Instantiate generated repository
ItemRepository items = new ItemRepository(

// Create item
Item item = ImmutableItem.builder()
    .addValues(1, 2)

// Insert async
items.insert(item); // returns future

Optional<Item> modifiedItem = items.findById(1)
    .andModifyFirst() // findAndModify
    .addValues(1) // $addToSet
    .setComment("present") // $set
    .update() // returns future

// Update all matching documents
        .idIn(1, 2, 3)



In addition to code annotation-processor, it’s necessary to add the mongo annotation module and runtime library, including some required transitive dependencies.

Mongo artifact required to be used for compilation as well be available at runtime. By default, Mongo adapter works with Gson module, however there are ways to register external CodecRegistry to allow custom serialization and deserialization using other libraries (eg. Jackson).

Snippet of Maven dependencies:


Enable repository generation

In order to enable repository generation, put an org.immutables.mongo.Mongo.Repository annotation on a abstract value class alongside an org.immutables.value.Value.Immutable annotation. A repository which accesses a collection of documents will be generated as a class with a Repository suffix in the same package.

By default, the mapped collection name is derived from abstract value class name: For a UserDocument class, the collection name will be userDocument. However, the name is customizable using a value annotation attribute:

import org.immutables.mongo.Mongo;
import org.immutables.value.Value;

@Gson.TypeAdapters // you can put TypeAdapters on a package instead
public abstract class UserDocument {

Creating repositories

Once the repository class is generated, it’s possible to instantiate this class using the new operator. You need to supply a org.immutables.common.repository.RepositorySetup as a constructor argument. Setup can be shared by all repositories for a single MongoDB database. RepositorySetup combines the definition of a thread pool, MongoDB database, and a configured instance.

Luckily, to get started (and for simpler applications), there’s an easy way to create a setup using RepositorySetup.forUri factory method. Pass a MongoDB connection string and a setup will be created with default settings.

RepositorySetup setup = RepositorySetup.forUri("mongodb://localhost/test");

To get a test database running on the default port on a local machine, just launch mongod.

To fully customize setting use RepositorySetup builder:

MongoClient mongoClient = ...
ListeningExecutorService executor = ...
GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder();

RepositorySetup setup = RepositorySetup.builder()

See getting started with java driver for an explanation how to create a MongoClient.

Id attribute

It is highly recommended to have explicit _id field for MongoDB documents. Use the @Mongo.Id annotation to declare an id attribute. The @Mongo.Id annotation acts as an alias to @Gson.Named("_id"), which can also be used.

public abstract class UserDocument {
  public abstract int id();

An identifier attribute can be of any type that is marshaled to a valid BSON type that can be used as _id field in MongoDB. The Java attribute name is irrelevant as long as it will be generated marshaled as _id (annotated with @Gson.Named("_id") or @Mongo.Id).

In some cases you may need to use special type ObjectID for _id or other fields. In order to do this, Immutables provides the wrapper type org.immutables.mongo.types.Id. Use the static factory methods of org.immutables.mongo.types.Id class to construct instances that correspond to MongoDB’ ObjectID. Here’s example of an auto-generated identifier:

import org.immutables.value.Value;
import org.immutables.gson.Gson;
import org.immutables.mongo.Mongo;
import org.immutables.mongo.types.Id;

public abstract class EventRecord {
  public Id id() {
    return Id.generate();

BSON/JSON documents —-

Reading and writing mongo documents requries conversion into BSON format. Immutables provides BSON adapters for common JSON libraries like Jackson (experimental) and GSON so users can reuse their mapping API while persisting objects in binary (BSON) format.

For historical reasons, GSON is used by default for mongo repositories. However, it is possible to register any CodecRegistry (even PojoCodec). Internally, Jackson and Gson have their own CodecRegistry implementations.


All values used to model documents should have GSON type adapters registered. Use @Gson.TypeAdapters on types or packages to generate type adapters for enclosed value types. When using RepositorySetup.forUri, all type adapters will be auto-registered from the classpath. When using custom RepositorySetup, register type adapters on a Gson instance using GsonBuilder as shown in GSON guide.

A large portion of the things you need to know to create MongoDB mapped documents with GSON is described in GSON guide

Jackson (experimental)

Since release 2.7.2 immutables has added experimental support for jackson. You can use provided helper classes to bridge between ObjectMapper and CodecRegistry as shown below:

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper()
       // support for mongo driver (bson) specific types like Document, DBObject etc.
      .registerModule(new GuavaModule());

RepositorySetup setup = RepositorySetup.builder()
      // ...

Jackson adapter for CodecRegistry will delegate all calls to native BsonReader and BsonWriter without intermediate object reprsentation (eg. String or byte[]) thus avoiding extra parsing and memory allocation.

Please note that jackson support is marked as @Beta so API is subject to change or even removal.

Operations ———-

Sample document repository

public abstract class PostDocument {
  public abstract long id();
  public abstract String content();
  public abstract List<Integer> ratings();
  public int version() {
    return 0;

// Instantiate generated repository
PostDocumentRepository posts = new PostDocumentRepository(

Insert documents

Insert single or iterable of documents using insert methods.



Upsert document

Update or insert full document content by _id using the upsert method:



If document with _id 10 is not found, then it will be created, otherwise updated.

Find documents

To find a document, you need to provide criteria object. Search criteria objects are generated to reflect fields of the document. Empty criteria objects are obtained by using the criteria() static factory method on a generated repository. Criteria objects are immutable and can be stored as constants or otherwise safely passed around. Criteria objects have methods corresponding to document attributes and relevant constraints.

Criteria where = posts.criteria();

List<PostDocument> documents =

Optional<PostDocument> document =

List<PostDocument> limited =

With each constraint, a new immutable criteria is returned which composes constraints with the and logic. Constraints can be composed with or logic by explicitly delimiting with .or() method, effectively forming DNF consisting of constraints.

The find method returns an uncompleted operation, which is subject to configuration via Finder object methods, discover these configuration methods, use them as needed, then invoke finalizing operation which returns future of result.

Simple find methods

For convenience, there are methods to lookup by _id and to find all documents. These methods do not need criteria objects.


// Fetch all? Ok

Note that findById method might be named differently if your document has its attribute with a name other than id in Java.

Excluding output fields

MongoDB has a feature to return a subset of fields in results. In order to preserve the consistency of immutable document objects created during unmarshaling, a repository only allows the exclusion of optional fields such as collection attributes and optional attributes. Use exclude* methods on Finder objects to configure attribute exclusion.

boolean isTrue =

Sorting result

Use Finder to specify ordering by attributes and direction. Ordering is used for fetching results as well as finding the first matching object to modify.



Delete documents

Looking for delete operations? Well, we found good place for them, but probably not a very obvious one!

Delete operations are defined on the same Finder object:


int deletedDocumentsCount = posts.find(where.content(""))

// Delete all? Ok

Update and FindAndModify

Update, find, and modify operations support incremental updates of the documents matching a criteria. Incremental update operations are used to update particular fields. Some fields may need to be initialized if a document is to be created via upsert operation.

Optional<PostDocument> updatedDocument =



Read-only repositories

For usecases when only read operations are required one can customize repository generation with readonly annotation parameter. When set to true (it is false by default) write, delete and update methods will not be available:

@Mongo.Repository(readonly = true) // don't generate any write / delete / update methods
public abstract class Item {
  // ...

To omit indexing operations use index = false parameter (indexing is enabled by default).

Ensure Index

If you want to ensure indices using code rather than the administrative tools, you can use an Indexer object, which ensures indexing with particular fields. See the methods of Indexer object.

// Compound index on content and ratings

// Reversed index on content