


The focus of Immutables Criteria is to provide database agnostic and efficient API for storing, querying and modifying documents expressed as immutable objects.



Criteria API requires JDK 8 (or later) plus backend specific dependencies (like mongo java driver).

Quick Start

1) Add criteria module dependency (on the top of existing immutables annotation processor)

<!-- Maven dependency -->

or gradle

// Gradle dependecy
dependencies {
   implementation 'org.immutables:criteria-inmemory:2.10.1'

2) Define a model with two annotations present @Criteria and @Criteria.Repository:

@Criteria // generate criteria
@Criteria.Repository // means generate repository (different from @Criteria)
interface Person {
    String id();
    String fullName();

3) Instantiate a backend (we’ll use simple InMemoryBackend) and perform some CRUD operations:

// instantiate a backend
Backend backend = new InMemoryBackend();

// attach repository to the backend
PersonRepository repository = new PersonRepository(backend);

// insert some documents

// query
Person john = repository.find("John")).fetch().get(0);
Person mary = repository.find(PersonCriteria.person.fullName.isNot("John")).fetch().get(0);


Criteria module uses several abstractions which are useful to understand. Below are the most important ones:


In order to enable criteria generation add @Criteria annotation to any existing immutable interface or abstract class. Criteria will be generated as a class with a Criteria suffix in the same package.

@Criteria // generate criteria
@Criteria.Repository // means generate repository (different from @Criteria)
interface Person {
    String id();
    String fullName();
    Optional<String> nickName();  
    int age();
    List<Pet> pets();
    Optional<Friend> bestFriend();

interface Pet {
  enum PetType {parrot, panda, iguana, gecko}
  PetType type();
  String name();

interface Friend {
   String hobby();

Generated PersonCriteria class closely follows Person model and allows type-safe queries. Criteria objects are immutable and can be stored as constants, serialized or otherwise safely passed around. They have methods corresponding to document attributes and relevant matchers (attribute predicates).

// basic query by id"id1", "id2", "id3");"bad_id");

// query on Strings, Comparables, Optionals and other Criterias
person"John") // basic equal
    .fullName.isNot("Mary") // not equal
    .fullName.endsWith("Smith") // string condition // ERROR! will not compile since fullName is String (not double)
    .nickName.isPresent() // for Optional attribute
    .nickName.startsWith("Adam") // special matcher Optional<String> which is intersetion type between OptionalMatcher and StringMatcher
    .pets.notEmpty() // condition on an Iterable
    .active.isTrue() // boolean
    .or() // disjunction (equivalent to logical OR)
    .age.atLeast(21) // comparable attribute
    .not(p -> p.nickName.hasLength(4)); // negation on a Optional<String> attribute
    .bestFriend.value().hobby.endsWith("ing") // chaining criterias on other entities like Optional<Friend>

// apply specific predicate to elements of a collection
    .pets.none()  // no Iguanas
    .pets.any().name.contains("fluffy"); // person has a pet which sounds like fluffy

You will need to add @Criteria to all classes to be queried. For example, to filter on, Pet class needs to have @Criteria annotation (otherwise generic ObjectMatcher is used).

Query DSL Syntax

In the previous query example you will notice that there are no and statements (conjunctions) that is because criteria uses Disjunctive Normal Form (in short DNF). By default, statements are combined using logical and (conjunction) unless or (disjunction) is explicitly used.

// Some examples of Query DSL
// left side (DSL) // right side SQL equivalent"John") // fullName = 'John'"John").age.greaterThan(21) // fullName = 'John' AND age > 21"John").age.greaterThan(21).nickName.isPresent() // fullName = 'John' AND age > 21 AND nickName != null"John").or()"Mary") // fullName = 'John' OR fullName = 'Mary'"John").age.greaterThan(21)
    .or()"Mary") // (fullName = 'John' AND age > 21) OR fullName = 'Mary'"John").age.greaterThan(21)
   .or()"Mary").age.greaterThan(22) // (fullName = 'John' AND age > 21) OR (fullName = 'Mary' AND age > 22)

More complex logical expressions

For more complex expressions, one can still combine criterias using ands / ors / nots. Boolean algebra methods allow composition of existing criterias with each other using and / or / not logic.

// fullName = 'John' AND (age > 22 OR nickName != null)"John").and(person.age.greaterThan(22).or().nickName.isPresent())

Since criteria objects are immutable one can safely pass them as variables, constants or function arguments.

PersonCriteria crit = PersonCriteria.person;
drinkingAge = crit.age.atLeast(21);
hasNickname = crit.nickName.isPresent()
isActive = crit.isActive.isTrue();

// ...
// (age > 21 OR nickName != null) AND isActive = true
return drinkingAge.or(hasNickname).and(isActive);


Repository is a User facing API to perform queries, updates, pub/sub or other CRUD operations (think data-access abstraction). Similarly to criteria, repositories are auto-generated when @Criteria.Repository annotation is added to immutables class. User has the option to customize repository generation by using facets.

Repositories delegate all operations to the Backend (more on that later).

// add insert / find / delete / watch operations which return rxjava types
@Criteria.Repository(facets = {RxJavaReadable.class, RxJavaWritable.class, RxJavaWatchable.class})
interface Person {

// query datasource and return reactive type: Flowable
Flowable<Person> persons = repository
         .fetch(); // return rxjava flowable because of RxJavaReadable facet

// unbounded stream of events using watch API (if backend supports it)
Flowable<Person> persons = repository.watcher(;

By default, table (collection, index etc.) name is derived from simple class name (MyClass resolves to myClass table). It is possible to override this behaviour using annotation (@Criteria.Repository(name ="custom")) as well as by registring custom name resolution strategy (see ContainerNaming interface). The later is done during backend instantiation.


Facets allow fine-tuning of repository behaviour. They (mostly) serve two purposes: define a set of operations supported by repository (like read, write, watch) and control execution model of the repository (sync / async / reactive).

Several implementatins for execution model are available out of the box:


Add one of the *Readable facets for query operations to become available.

Currently Readable allows filter / select / order / limit / offset operations.


Use select operation to reduce number of attributes returned by the backend. The concept is similar to projection in relational algebra.

To preserve type-safety, basic projection requires a mapping function. Mapping function argument types match individual types of the projection(s) in select operation (eg. Optional<String>). One can pass lambda function or method reference to transform incoming value(s). Currently mapping function can have up to 5 arguments. If projection on more than 5 fields is necessary use Tuple (see below).

List<String> list = repository
   .select(person.nickName, person.age) // project two fields of person: nickName and age
   .map((nickName, age) -> nickName.orElse(null) + " " + (age - 10)) // map operator required after projection. Note that nickName is Optional<String> and age is of type Integer
   //.map((nickName, age) -> NickNameAndAge::new) // alternative with method reference

When list of attributes is unknown at compile time or when default mapping function can’t be used (eg. due to number of arguments threshold) use generic Tuple in projection. select(Iterable) method overload will return Tuple.

List<Projection<?>> projections = ....; // build list of projections
List<String> list = repository
   .select(Arrays.asList(person.nickName, person.age)) // select(Iterable) method overload
   .map(tuple -> tuple.get(person.nickName).orElse(null) + (tuple.get(person.age) - 10)) // using single argument mapper with Tuple API

When possible, prefer using basic select variant of projection (as opposed to Tuple) since it enforces type-safety.


Standard aggregations like count / min / max / sum / avg on specific attributes are also supported. Aggregation is a projection combined with groupBy() operator.

count operator is available on all types. For min / max attribute needs to be of type Comparable. For sum / avg attribute needs to be of type Number.

List<String> list = repository.findAll()
  .select(person.nickName, person.age.max(), person.age.min(), person.age.count(), person.age.sum())
  .map((nickName, max, min, count, sum) -> ("nick=" + nickName.orElse(null) + " max=" + max + " min=" + min + " count=" + count + " sum=" + sum)))

Distinct / Limit / Offset

To reduce number of returned elements use limit / offset statements (eg. for pagination). When using projections you can also request result to be de-duplicated with distinct keyword (note: distinct is available only after projection).


Fetching Variations

Common way to return all results is to use fetch() function, however typical Fetcher has a richer API.

Use fetch() when you want to return full result set (which can have zero, one or multiple elements):

// get all results (size of the result can be 0, 1, 2 or more)
List<Person> result = repository.find(person.age.atLeast(33)).limit(10).fetch();

Use one() when you expect exactly one element in the result set. Conveniently, the method will return only that element. Exception is thrown (usually with query information) when there is zero, two or more elements. Depending on the facet, method will return Single or [CompletionStage](

// throw exception if there is no exactly one match
// may return Single / CompletionStage depending on the facet
Person person = repository.find("John Doe")).one();

Use oneOrNone() when you require at most one element in the result set. Depending on facet sync / rxjava / async etc. the return type will be Optional / Maybe or [CompletionStage](

// may return Maybe / CompletionStage<Optional> depending on facet
Optional<Person> maybeOne = repository.find("John Doe2")).oneOrNone();

Use exists() when you need to check if criteria filter matches any records.

// may return Single<Boolean> / CompletionStage<Boolean> depending on the facet
boolean exists = repository.find("John Doe3")).exists();

Simple result-set counting can be achieved using count() operator. This operator is considered a terminal operator similar to fetch() and will return long / Mono<Long> / Single<Long> / Future<Long> types depending on facet used.

// count all records (assumes RxJava facet)
Single<Long> count = repository.findAll().count();
// or apply a filter before count
Single<Long> count = repository.find(person.age.greaterThan(33)).count();

Inserting / Updating / Deleting

*Writable facet is required to enable write operations. Examples of write / delete operations:

// one of RxJavaWritable / SyncWritable / AsyncWritable etc.
interface Person {}

WriteResult result = repository.insertAll(Arrays.asList(person1, person2)); // for sync
Single<WriteResult> result = repository.insert(person1); // for rxjava2
CompletionStage<WriteResult> result = repository.insert(person1); // for async
Publisher<WriteResult> result = repository.insert(person1); // for reactive
repository.delete(; // delete by query

In-place updates by query

If supported by back-end, one can also perform in-place updates by query:

            .set(person.fullName, "Changed Name")
            .set(peson.age, 33)

Pub/Sub (aka Watching)

Watching allows to continuously observe events on the backend in real-time. When available, it is built on the top of existing oferring like change streams in mongo or continuous querying in Geode.

Use *Watchable facet to enable this functionality on a repository.

interface Person {}

// if remote database allows filtering in real-time
Flowable<Person> flow = repository.watcher(;

Custom Repositories

While @Criteria.Repository will auto-generate repository class based on facets, one can also write repository implementation manually. Facets are just classes which can be leveraged to compose functionality.

public class MyCustomRepository implements Repository<Person> {
   private final RxJavaReadable<Person> readable;

   public MyCustomRepository(Backend backend) {
     // open backend session for Person class
     Backend.Session session =;
     this.readable = new RxJavaReadable(session);

   public Flowable<Person> findPeopleOlderThan(Period period) {
     PersonCriteria criteria = PersonCriteria.person.dateOfBirth.atMost(;
     return readable.find(criteria).fetch();

Backend —-

Backend is responsible for interpreting expressions and operations into native queries and API calls using vendor drivers. It is the adapter between criteria abstraction and native API.

Usually it is instantiated using vendor API (eg. MongoDatabase)

Backend backend = ... // can be Mongo / Elasticsearch or any other backend

// instantiate repository using existing backend
PersonRepository repository = new PersonRepository(backend);


InMemoryBackend is the simplest form of backend which doesn’t have any external dependencies. Internally it uses ConcurrentMap and reflections to evaluate expressions and perform CRUD operations.

// instantiate InMemoryBackend
Backend backend = new InMemoryBackend();


Mongo backend uses reactive streams driver. There is always an option for repository to expose synchronous (or other) API by using facets.

To instantiate mongo backend use CollectionResolver. The later is responsible for mapping an entity class eg. Person to MongoCollection<Person>.

MongoDatabase database = ... // get database (with correct CodecRegistry)
MongoBackend backend = new MongoBackend(MongoSetup.of(database));
PersonRepository repository = new PersonRepository(backend);

Jackson/Bson integration

Out of box, criteria provides integration with jackson library. This allows use of standard jackson binding infrastructure but still serializing documents in BSON format (including non-JSON types like Decimal128, timestamp or date). Jackson (BSON) adapter will delegate calls to native BsonReader and BsonWriter without intermediate object transformation (eg. BSON -> String -> POJO) thus avoiding extra parsing and memory allocation.

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper()
       .registerModule(new BsonModule())  // register default codecs like Jsr310, BsonValueCodec, ValueCodecProvider etc.
       .registerModule(new GuavaModule()) // for Immutable* classes from Guava (eg. ImmutableList)
       .registerModule(new Jdk8Module()) // used for java 8 types like Optional / OptionalDouble etc.
       .registerModule(new IdAnnotationModule()); // used for Criteria.Id to '_id' attribute mapping

CodecRegistry registry = JacksonCodecs.registryFromMapper(mapper); // create CodecRegistry (adapter) from ObjectMapper

MongoClient client = ... // "connect" / get client
MongoDatabase database = client.getDatabase("myDB").withCodecRegistry(registry); // override with "jackson" CodecRegistry
MongoBackend backend = new MongoBackend(MongoSetup.of(database)); // create backend instance

Don’t forget to add @JsonSerialize and @JsonDeserialize to your model. Admittedly, number of annotations is becoming noticeable.

@JsonSerialize(as = ImmutablePerson.class)
@JsonDeserialize(as = ImmutablePerson.class)
public interface Person {}

ElasticsearchBackend leverages low-level rest client to communicate with elastic search cluster. Because of object binding and JSON parsing Jackson is currently a hard dependency of this module.

RestClient restClient = ... // provided

// use default resolver which maps entity (class) to index name
ElasticsearchBackend backend = new ElasticsearchBackend(ElasticsearchSetup.of(restClient));

The only required depedency of ElasticsearchSetup is RestClient however you can also override default instances
of ObjectMapper, scrollSize, indexResolver etc.

By default, scrolling is used for all queries unless it is an aggregation or offset/from request.

Mapping types are not supported (to be removed by vendor in 7.x).

At least version 6.2 of Elastic is recommended for criteria API. Generally we follow official EoL schedule


The only required dependency of GeodeBackend is GemFireCache. Below is an example of how to instantiate GeodeBackend.

GemFireCache cache = ... // provided
GeodeBackend backend = new GeodeBackend(GeodeSetup.of(cache));

JavaBeans —-

Limited support for JavaBeans is provided. It is intended for projects which may want to leverage criteria (runtime and DSL) as data access layer but are not yet fully migrated to immutables model. You may be able to generate Criteria DSL assuming your class follows JavaBeans spec.

Requirements for JavaBean classes:

  1. Has to be non-abstract and not an enum.
  2. Both getters (get* / is*) and setters (set*) should be present for the same attribute.
  3. Class should have a (non-static) field derived from getter/setter. Example name for getName/setName, URL for getURL/setURL, a for getA/setA For more details see 8.8 Capitalization of inferred names in JavaBeans spec

Just annotate your existing bean with @Criteria and immutables will generate Criteria DSL for it.

// Example of a valid JavaBean
public class MyBean {
  private String name;

  public String getName() { return name; }

  public void setName(String name) { = name; }


Note that all attributes are considered nullable by default in JavaBean model.