
Functions and Predicates


Java 8 provides lambda expressions, which are very handy for functional programming:
      .map(p ->

They are particularly useful for filtering and transforming immutable value objects, but many programmers, due to customer requirements or other reasons, cannot use Java 8. Guava provides many of the functional capabilities of Java 8 using their Function and Predicate interfaces:

class PersonNameFunction implements Function<Person, String> {
  public String apply(Person person) {

ImmutableList<String> names = FluentIterables.from(people)
    .transform(new PersonNameFunction());

However, without lambdas, writing Functions and Predicates is verbose and often results in functional code less clear than its imperative equivalent.

Generate functions and predicates

With org.immutables:func, you can easily generate Guava Functions and Predicates for field access without the clutter. Special class *Functions is generated and provides function and predicate instances.

abstract class Person {
  public abstract String name();
  public abstract String jobTitle();
  public abstract boolean speaksFrench();

List<String> names = Lists.transform(people,;
// Boolean attributes become `Predicates`
Iterable<Person> frenchSpeakers = Iterables.filter(people, PersonFunctions.speaksFrench());

By placing @Functional on a method instead of the class, you can restrict which Functions and Predicates are generated:

abstract class Person {
  public abstract String name();
  // no Function will be generated for jobTitle
  public abstract String jobTitle();
  public abstract boolean speaksFrench();

Of course, you can use static imports to further reduce clutter.

import ...PersonFunctions.*;
import ...FluentIterable.*;

List<String> frenchSpeakerNames =

Generate functions with bound parameters

@Functional.BindParameters annotation can be place on non-accessor methods of abstract value type to generate function to which parameters can be bound.

public abstract class Xyz {
  public abstract String getX();

  public String computeZ(String y) {
    return getX() + y;
// Generated functions
public final class XyzFunctions {
  public static Function<Xyz, String> computeZ(String y) {
    return new Function<Xyz, String>() {
      public String apply(Xyz input) {
        return input.computeZ(y);
      public String toString() {
        return "XyzFunctions.computeZ(y)";
// use as
Function<Xyz, String> fn = XyzFunctions.computeZ("Y");


This feature has the following compile-time dependencies in addition to a runtime dependency on Guava:
